Travelling With a Kinesis 360

As some will know because I never stop talking about it, I am the proud owner of a Kinesis 360, which has helped me improve my productivity, ergonomics, health and bragging in the last year. However, as someone who travels a lot as well, I have had to leave it at home several times, thinking about it longingly, like Wolverine with Phoenix's picture. But this was the past, as I have managed to make my trusty braggalicious keyboard portable by using one of the many rarely sold items at MediaMarkt (BestBuy for my fellow Americans):

A camera bag.

I know, who would have thought.

So, I set on a quest to find the best camera bag I could. However the mission had proven difficult since this is the size that I am supposed to carry on me:


If you have recollected yourself after gawking at such an astonishing feat of ergonomics engineering and bragging rights, you can surely notice that the best way to carry this split item would be to pack it one side on top of the other.

After measuring the keyboard sides and height per piece, and after I tried to find a bag in bigger stores, I eventually managed to find one the right size in a small and sketchy camera store, where I obviously brought my keyboard to be sure it would fit first. The owner was not that surprised of me needing a camera bag for my keyboard, which prompted me to wonder whether other people might have had the same idea, which would elicit an even scarier thought, someone else might own a Kinesis in my area.


This is the bag I found, and just for 25$. It has different small compartments for cables and a waterproof cover that folds in a hidden bottom pocket. It was definitely of a brand I had never heard of, but it fit the keyboard with its bases retracted perfectly. The bag had, however, sat for a long time in the store I think, because it smelled like mildew, and so I kept it outside to "air out" and ventilate for some days (obviously not in the Netherlands, quite difficult to rely on good wheather for such a long period of time).

Once the smell had completely cleared out, I used one of the 4 detachable "walls" to divide the inside in 2.


Now, fitting the two Kinesis has to be done by putting them face to face, with one translated 180 degrees, so that it would be like a Ying and Yang of ergonomics and office bragging points.


The wall had however a lower side, which caused the two keyboards to bump into each other from time to time. To take care of that, I just packed some bubble wrap in between.

Now my keyboard is ready to follow me along to many adventures, and I also get stopped every time at TSA because they expect a camera to be inside the bag and can't understand what it is that I am carrying by its shape. Which is both good and bad, because I get to show off the keyboard to the whole line, there is nothing that can cheer up people that have been waiting for hours in line full of luggage and crying children than a mesmerizing marvel of ergonomical engineering.